About me

I’m an ocean scientist at Universidade de São Paulo (USP), in Brazil, broadly interested in small-scale physical processes in the ocean and their role in Earth’s Climate System.

Originally from São Paulo and a graduate of USP, I earned in 2018 a Ph.D. in Physical Oceanography from Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California San Diego. Prior to returning to USP as faculty, in 2023, I did a postdoc at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (2018-2020) and spent 2.5 years as faculty at University of Connecticut (2020-2023).


I’m always looking for motivated people to work with. Please, email me if you’d like to join my group or collaborate on a project.

I’m actively recruiting doctoral students with strong background in physics, math and programming. No previous experience with Oceanography or GFD required. Email me if interested.